Friday, September 14, 2007

why am I doing this?

Ok so for all of you who may not know, I have been blogging on "myspace" for a good while now, and I never intended to move from there to here, yet here I am....still not really sure why...maybe it's a need to "fit in" and if I join these ranks then I will free better about me....yes even as I type those words I know that that thought wouldn't please God, He would want me to feel more confidant about myself than that, but I think that is still the true, and I can color it how ever I want, but it won't change my need to fit in. It's a good thing I am still a work in progress. lol

I have truely loved blogging, and I might...note the might...move a few of my post over from myspace so that I won't be tempted to repeat what I might of already said before....I haven't blogged in a while...I took a blogger "break" so I could decide if blogging was something to continue doing or not....I have decided to continue, atleast until further like expressing myself in this way and I enjoy getting my thoughts out....growing up I kept a prayer journel where I literaly wrote my prayers to God and it was so neat to go back and see the anwers He gave this is sorta my journel, where my life is and where it will be will see things from my past, and how I struggle w/ them and things that are new that I am also stuggling w/ won't all be struggles, but joy and contentness(if that is even a word) and everything inbetween.

I just started "bible study fellowship" and our lecture speaker made a comment I so feel like fit me, she was talking about John...the John that wrote the book of John or the John that was also known as the "beloved" John...and she said that he wasn't like the other 3 authors of the gospels....(Matthew, Mark and Luke) He(John) didn't use fancy words, but simple ones, he didn't even use long sentences....but he wrote in a way that everyone was able to learn from him and through his words, even a child....God has been showing me that that is also how I am, I am not "showey" I am simple, I was raised that way, I won't use big words, but that doesn't mean I can't speak what I feel, or that my words have no stay tuned for more words from this farmer's daughter and I hope you enjoy.


Susan said...

I am so glad you are going to continue blogging - it's kind of thereputic isn't it? Keep the words coming, they truly do come from your heart - and stay true to who you are, simple and all,'cause you're loved just for that reason!

4torock said...

HEY!!! I am so glad u r a blogger I can't wait to read...... No pressure HUH!? LOL I miss you and hope to see some pics of your cuties!! Welcome to the blogging world!!! :)