Saturday, September 15, 2007

the org. date is August 13.2007

what I learned from the pea patch!
Current mood: excited

so I arrived in the pea patch aroudn 9:45 this morning(I had showered and had to kids ready to go grocery shopping...not to the garden! when my Mawmaw called well, I was the pretty smelling thing in the garden for atleast the first 5 miutes! lol) and I just finished the peas I brought home w/ me, you might ask....WHY AEE YOU BLOGGING?...well, it's to strech my fingers from their cramped position needed to shell peas!! lol :)
So today I did have time to do my normal bible study, I did on the other hand get a chance to pray ....for along the pea patch! and I learned a whole lot about myself! the 3 hours i spent picking pea...a new adventure as this was my first time...I learned the following. 1. I am still not a girlie girlie and I don't think I ever will be! you might ask are you sure of this? Well, I conversed w/ every flying creature known to man today....grasshoppers, bumble bee, hornets, ants...big black ones and little red ones, flies and a few more that I honestly wasn't sure what they were!....I know I'm not a girlie girlie b/c I walked through this patch where no true ground existed! lol...which brings me to 2. I am short! yes I know you probably didn't know this about me already! lol....this pea patch was up to my waist! It reminded me of the turkeys when they were almost full grown. When they were up to my elbow! and you couldn't show your fear walking through them or they would chase you! lol....those were the days! lol which also brings me to 3. Pea patches and turkeys are similar LOL...they are hot, sticky, alots of bugs and NOT very girlie! Of course the turkeys have the pea when it comes to smell! LOL. 4. and the last thing I learned today and the reason I keep bringing up girlie girl....I have gotten away from who I am, I have been trying to leave my past behind and change who I am....why, there are reasons, things that I think, things others have said that made me think that who I am isn't good enough...reasons, not good ones, but about the girlie girl thing, it's not a bad thing....I like others who are that of my good friends is a self-proclaimed girlie girl!'s just not who I am, I never have been....I have held a beating turkey heart in my hand and can(maybe now I should say could) cut a turkey apart w/ the best in the crowd! and I am proud of that! LOL I know that probably sounds crazy to most of you, but it sounds good to me right now. This summer God has been teaching me to embrace me, just as I am...that's how God took me and that is how I should take I am not giving myself permission not to grow, and learn and improve...just to stop try to be someone else or like someone else....I discover who I really am and who I want me to become....I love my past again and am proud of who I am, and who I was growing up....I love much of a pain it is, it's being in God's creation and with Gods creation...literally! lol...the cool thing is that I am there picking the peas and the bugs are there making more peas for me to pick. By doing there thing, I can do my. and if I don't do my thing (picking) then they can't do theirs and vice verse! it's cool if you think about it, if I don't bother them they don't bother me and we are get our work done! also, I did learn one more thing today...Pawpaw saids you plant peas where the ground is drained, b/c peas give back to the soil instead of take away like most plants do....I don't know why, but I found that interesting...maybe b/c it reminds me of how God so awesomely put our world together and yet our earth is but a speck of the universe he here I was awed by the pea patch and thinking of the details of all that was involved in it, that our Creator put into a pea patch.....let that run a minute, He put all that thought into a pea patch, then what into us, and we are a speck on earth and earth is a speck in the universe and yet the bible tell us that "He holds the universe in His hand" run w/ that for a minute....AWESOME, we can't even grasp that for real, I am sure of it....but I tried and I am overwhelmed! So to come full circle and end...if God put that much effort into a pea patch and more into me, then I don't need to change who He made me to be, into what i think I want to be!...I will now be very content to be, turkey farmer girl, gardener, blunt to a fault and all ME, the girl who still sleeps w/ her baby pillow, stubborn to no end, loyal to a fault, and would give you the shirt off her back even if her husband says she can't buy a new one! LOL....thanks for putting up w/ my new discovery! lol....hope ya'll will love yourself for who you are too! Remember God make each of us "fearfully and wonderfully!"....and not to be someone else!
love ya'll....for you who are! I really do!

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