Saturday, September 15, 2007

the org. date is August 21.2007

knitting and God’s loops!
Current mood: accomplished

so ya'll should feel special, I stopped knitting to come and blog a while....I have an hour b/f I have to start dinner and the kids are still asleep! SO I wanted to blog about what I've been thnking about while I was knitting....I was reflecting (sp?) over my day and the last few days for that matter... and I was thinking again about what I said in a previous blog where I said that I felt like my friends could leave me behind and not look back, in fact I was talking about that today w/ a friend and after the conversation I realized something and I want to share it w/ ya'll and her too.....that feeling is our human nature coming's not from God, I think that it would disappiont God that I feel that way...why? well that would mean that I am not trusting God to provide for me, He ask me to trust in the Lord w/ ALL my heart, even w/ my friends and I don't think I have been doing that very well, I think I wanted to control that for myself. I think that I didn't see the big picture, I put God in a box in a sense... see I thought I knew best when it came to my friends...and as I have found out, I didn't know best, I am seeing things/people in a knew light and it's funny and fun to see how things are changing, and I know that is it God and not's amazing! How you might ask do you know it's God and not you....well I fought it for a long time, and it's in surrendeing it to God that the change came and not before....the other blog shows that I am still struggling w/ it I learned today while knitting that just like my knowledge of what loops to put where makes a nice wash rag, God's looping me into a confidant, loving friend! All He has asked of me is to "trust in Him"...I know it won't always be easy, but it will be worth it!

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