Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So I was tagged by my friend, Jenny the other day....Jenny aren't your proud that I am doing this one w/in a week of being tagged, not like a month like last time!lol! I have known Jenny for a long time now...we had mutual friends for most of our growing up years, Nick and I were leaving Bible Baptist School, as Jenny and here sister Bethany were coming, and I would go back and do field trips w/ my "old class" which Bethany was in....then later, we had mutual friends and would see each other at some homeschool events...we even ended up at the beach one year at the same time and same place!....THEN, we met up again at MOPS a few years ago, which was really cool...all grown up and married w/ kids...SO COOL!...Jenny has been a fun person to get to run into again and again as we have grown up! PLUS, as a added bonus, she "love, love, loves" Eli's name....so she can do no wrong in my eyes! LOL! :)

ok so back to the tag. Here goes.....

What I was doing 10 years ago?
Hmmm...well, I was 16...in June, I was the maid of honor in Brandy's wedding, she married
Shannon and Leigh's brother Shaun....I was going into my Junior yr of high school, and dated Brandy's brother over the summer, not a smart move!lol!...that was life back then :) WOW, that was sorta weird to think about and remember!lol....oh, I like Jenny would of been at the top of my class....I was homeschooled!

What are my favorite snacks?
Well....I'm not sure, you see I'm pregnant and I sorta go w/ whatever hits me at the moment!...I can't say I have "favorites" at least not w/ snacky food. My all time favorite food right now, that I could eat daily is Sammy's homemade chocolate cheesecake!...OH YUMMY!

5 things on my "to do" list today!?
well, you see, I burnt that list today...lol....
umm...1.laundry (done)
2. garden (done) we have 11 watermelons and 9 cantaloupes!lol.
3. pool! (fun and done) yep, it's important enough to put on the list!
4. phone calls (done...mostly, at least left messages)
5. Time Warner Cable guy (2-4) thank God he showed up and fix the phone again!...he promise it will work now!lol
and many many more things....it's never ending, I mark one thing off and add 2 more!lol.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire?
lol...what a fun question for a Dave Ramsey financial counselor!...I would first tithe, I so believe that God deserves the first fruits...although He doesn't necessarily need my money...He is God, it's my honor to give it! Then I would finish up my "baby steps" and the rest....I would life the ultimate dream...to be able to give, give and give some more...as a billionaire, there is no end to the giving!...if you invest that money right, you wouldn't be able to find enough people to give too!...how cool would that be...to be able to help in such BIG ways...like finding a cure for cancer...as a billionaire you can do that kind of giving!...:)...of course there would be a shopping trip or two in there!lol!

5 jobs I've had...
1. turkey farmer...ok so my dad was the farmer, but as his child, I qualify!..ask Nick, he'll agree
2. Sales clerk at New Creation Christian store...the perfect "1st job"
3. Mary Kay consultant...don't ask, I never will admit it again...SO not the "job" for me!lol.
4. Assistant Wedding Photographer....loved this one....well at least taking the pictures, not working for another photographer
5. Nanny...fun!

5 places I have lived.
1. Charlotte...now it's known as Mint Hill...but when I lived there is was Charlotte
2. Stanfield NC...only 30 minutes from Charlotte or Monroe, or Concord or Albemarle!lol.
3. Tigerville SC...lol aka North Greenville College (University now)
4. Indian Trail, NC
5. that's it....I'm a pretty local girl!

5 random things people wouldn't know about me...
this one is always hard...everything about me seems to be random!lol...and I'm an open book, everyone knows my randomness!lol!...I'll try
1. I have always considered my mom one of my best friends...of course if you know my mom wouldn't you! :)
2. I hate competing...still won't do it.
3. my closest friends have never been close to my age, but always older...sorta weird..guess I am just an old fart want-a-be!lol....now let me clarify!..they aren't THAT much older than me...but normally at least 4 or more years!
4. I wouldn't take a picture for almost 1 year after my daddy died, he was the one who bought me my first "real" camera for my 17th birthday...he put so much time and effort into picking the "right" camera...I couldn't make myself use it...also I was in a studio lighting class when I looked up and saw my brother's face at the door...I SO freaked out...I just knew something bad had happened...that was the night they admitted dad to the hospital for the last time. He was SUCH a huge supporter of my photography :)
5. I have always had the lifelong dream of being "just a mommy" and I always wanted a girl 1st. I am so blessed to have both...I don't deserve them!
whew...I did it!

5 cds I would take w/ me to a desert island
Can I cheat on this one?...I don't listen to cd's anymore...I'm an ipod girl...I dont' ever buy a whole cd anymore, just the song I really like....so I have a huge compilations of stuff...I would have to have my "playlist" of worship songs...couldn't live w/o them!...sorry, I know that's cheating.

5 people I'm tagging!

Susan...that's two for you now!


Shannon said...

Tagged again, I feel special, lol. I will try to do this one a little faster this time. We are off to Carowinds today with my mom.

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you played along!
Hope you have a great day!

Shannon said...

I did the tag today, check it out.