Wednesday, June 11, 2008

where oh where have I been?

WELL....for one thing, every time I have sat at the computer, I have been working on a photo memory book that disney only have 30 days to complete it after the first day you activate it...AND every time I would work on it, the website would freeze up and I would loose ALL the pages I hadn't saved(and NO it can't be b/c we have a mac...mac's are perfect!lol....naw, I love my mac, wouldn't trade it, but I think some websites don't agree w/ my love of mac!)....IT MAKES ME SO MAD JUST THINKING ABOUT IT! SO what should/would have taken me 2 days max has taken me like 2 weeks! PRAISE GOD I FINISHED tonight! So now I can get back to the normal things I do on the internet, I have caught up on all my blog reading....but boy am I WAY behind on things I want to blog about....I don't even have the energy to start tonight, I need to get my poundcake out of the pan, and take myself to bed! Although I fear I won't sleep for a while, (thanks to the fact that I was sick this afternoon....wanting to throw-up....and fell asleep on the couch at like 4 and slept til 5...oops!) but I have a busy day tomorrow, so I NEED sleep, if only it was that easy!

Anyway....blogs to come

1. Our anniversary...another year behind us! doesn't sound to nice
2. Alex had a birthday! and the surprise he is still waiting
3. Nick graduation!....
4. Painting....the dreaded!
5. Did anyone notice I slipped on the baby's name in a blog?...and more about the baby!
(now if you already know the baby's name you can't play this game, it would be cheating! LOL)

see I told you I had lots to talk about, AND I will, it might not be tomorrow though, I have to make a pie...yes I am being "little miss susie homemaker" just this week I have make ice cream sandwiches (for alex's b-day) a poundcake and tomorrow a strawberry pie.(for Nick's graduation)...and I am not even liking sweets right now!lol....what a shame.

Ok so I have rambled enough....I'll be back soon....PROMISE!


Shannon said...

We have a Mac also. Are you logging on with Safari? If so, try Firefox or Opera. Some sites don't do well with Safari. Hang in there and get some rest!

Susan said...

i didn't notice the slip up on revealing the baby's name, but then again, i've known it all along.

BE said...

Yep, you sound busy. Ice cream sandwiches sounds yummy in this hot weather. Wish you lived closer, I would hop over to get some, lol!

I did catch the baby name, love it. Fits very well with you other 2 kiddo's names. (If it was the right name, that I was reading!)

Happy Anniversary a few days late. I thought about it earlier this week. And remember I warned you about the "fun" of having an anniversary, a husband's birthday and father's day within days of each other! It's the same here too!

4torock said...

NOT into sweets?? LOL Anytime you feel the need to bake and not eat feel free to send over to the Walser household!! tee hee-- so are you not up for icecream anymore???! :) And I want recipe for icecream sandwiches..... :) Happy Birhtday Alex..... Happy Anniversary too u love birds! :)