Thursday, June 19, 2008

about 6 months ago.....

we went to ride horses at Sam's parents house, and Ian of course LOVED it, he was up there, no problem! Rode w/ my brother, then by himself...being lead of course. Well, Emma on the other hand, was VERY shy around the horses and wouldn't even touch them at this time. We encouraged her to try, but she wouldn't budge....nope not her, not then.

Ian has been back to ride since, but never Emma, she hasn't wanted too...she would say, I'm just not "ready"

WELL....for a while, maybe about a month or so, she has been asking to ride, and honestly, I hadn't thought much of it, I really didn't think she actually would!...but the other night Sam asked if we wanted to go out to the barn after we finished our first afternoon of canning....yes it has begun, slowly, but it has started!....and so the kids and I went w/ Sam, Savannah and Nick out to see MawMaw Michelle and PawPaw Dennis. Ian and Savannah argued the whole way there who "zipper" belonged seems my son has claimed his own horse! So once we arrive and they saddle up the horses...and Emma climbed right up there w/ Sammy! She was SO SO proud of herself...she had already asked on the way there if she could ride "by herself" not only did she ride w/ Sammy, she then rode all by herself! With the biggest smile on her face, no fear whatsoever...EVERYONE was shocked at how well she did. After she rode, she fed the horses treats, petted them and wouldn't stay way...she now has decided she wants some cowgirl boots and a hat!lol....I love how much confidence she has gained in the last year, she is like a different child in that way....I am SO glad that I let her wait until she was ready and didn't push her the 1st time when she wasn't ready.

Ian has earned his belt buckle...umm, yeah I didn't know what that meant until someone explained it to me. YEP, he took his first tumble off the horse! HE'S FINE, nothing major, and he got right back up there....when he fell, Sammy graped him up and said "Ian are you ok?"...his reply was...."agh" she said "Your a big boy, are you riding horses?" He said "I RIDE JOJO"...apparently he thought falling off meant he could have the horse of his pick!lol....and he got it!

Emma told me she doesn't want her "belt buckle" anytime soon!lol, I can't say I blame her! girl!


Shannon said...

Yep, they grow up way too quickly. Glad she tried it again, what a big girl.

Anonymous said...

Beth, I found your site through Brandy's. Your children are precious. I know you are excited about the new baby, and I have no doubt your mom is thrilled. We are proud of Nick. He put Dave and I down as references and we had no trouble giving him a good recommendation. I hope he got the job. Tell your mom hello for me, and that she and I need to get together soon. Dave leaves Monday for a four week mission trip, and David and Bethany are working all summer at camp, so here I am.

BE said...

Way to go, Emma! And I just learned something new reading your blog- I had no idea about the belt buckle thing.