there is a picture of the dirty crew from morrow mt. at the bottom of the blog. I'll post more when I get back, but I couldn't wait to show ya'll how dirty mine and Susan's kids can get in the right condition!lol
I am 25...and have spent the last 6 months discovering exactly who I am. I am 1st, a child of God, my Saviour Jesus Chirst is the center of my life....2nd, I am a wife to a wonderful husband who has always supported me through all the events in my life....3rd, I am a mommy (a childhood dream fulfilled) to the 2 most beautiful kids in the world!...(more about them later!)....those things make me who I am, and who I am becoming. I grew up with a wonderful family on a turkey farm, I was homeschooled, and I now understand that those are things to be proud of and part of what made me, me. I lost my daddy to cancer when I was 20, and one month before I became Mrs. Alex Helms, another thing which has shaped me into who I am today. The last thing I feel needs to go into my descriptions, is that I am learning, and growing, and am far from perfect, so before you comment about me, please know that I have no intentions of making people angry, mad or hurt, I never intend to point fingers or poke fun of blogs will be from my experiences, and life and thoughts, and I am looking for no ones approval. Other than my Saviour's :)
LOVE IT...can't wait it to do it again (minus the rain)
Very cute picture, although, I'm not sure Ian is feeling the moment. :)
Ian does not look thrilled in this picture--he looks like he is DONE with the hiking :). Hope you guys all had fun. It looks like the kids did!
I tagged you!
Cute picture showing all that dirt. Of course to kids dirt equals fun!
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