Sunday, April 13, 2008

update on "what do you think"

My friend Brandy asked a question. "what does Ian think the baby is?" Her theory in asking is under the comments on the previous blog. So for the fun of it, I thought I would answer it, maybe it will help you decide what you think my baby!

Ian for the longest time refused to agree that there was even a baby in mommy's belly!lol. But once convinced he has always said GIRL when asked what mommy's baby was going to be. Only once did he waiver and that was w/ a lot of co horsing from Emma. Emma on the other hand, started out wanting a girl, then switched to boy for a while and is now back to wanting a girl....when I explained that if it was a boy we wouldn't be buying pink and purple, she now only wants a girl! is really all she is concerned w/!lol!

Melanie asked if I had done the drano test...the answer there is no, I haven't, we don't even have any! I have heard about it....did you try it? So new question, what "test" are out there that ya'll have tried...and did it work?

This doesn't mean you can get out of answering the previous question....answer that one first if you haven't already!lol!
love ya....sorry if I sound bossy!


BE said...

If Ian says girl, I'm going with girl, lol. :) The only other test that worked for me is the needle on the string. Now, I can't remember which way is boy (circles or back & forth), but it was right with all 3.
Okay, I just did it and it did circle, pause, back & forth, pause back & forth. I held over my wrist (palm face up) and it still works. Girl, boy, boy. Cool. Try that and let us know. Hee, hee this is fun!

Shannon said...

I am going to say girl, just because other people seem to have better luck than we did with getting girls, lol. I didn't do any of those tests or find out the sex of any of mine. I thought they were all boys, and I was correct. We didn't even pick out girl names for the first two kids! I do, however, have some awesome names that are in the vault for my future grandchildren, lol.

Susan said...

have u done the chinese calendar chart thing (yeah, i know i'm helpful) u can find it online, but again, not much help as i don't know the website. as for other tests - i was always tempted to do the drano test, but never had enough courage - i'll buy you some drano if you are willing to be the guinea

Susan said...

oh btw...what does alex think? or is he like most guys and doesn't have an never would guess - he was no wait, i take that back, he did think davis was a girl "his luck, he'd be surrounded by girls"