I stole the titles of some of my blogger friends, because that is exactly how I feel too! I know I have been "MIA" for a while, and that is because it seems everything around here is the "same old stuff," which is "not much" going on. Ever since I hit around 36 weeks I stopped planning things and started keep the calendar clear...which as I look back probably wasn't a smart thing to do! We have slipped into a nice routine around here since fall has started up. We have bible study on Tuesday mornings and Emma goes to AWANA on Wednesday night w/ my mom and Gary. Other than that, I have eliminated all of our other activities....it's driving me crazy not having more to do, but I know once Eli gets here I will be thankful I made those steps. Emma is going to be in swimming lessons in October and we do have plans to start some other activities through out the fall and winter...and I have pushed off preschool for her until January although, she is constantly pushing me to "learn" something, everything now. Her newest fascination is a map of the US...we went and brought her one after she took an interest in IKE and wanted to know where those people lived and if the storm was going to be near us. She now knows where our state is, where the storm was and of course where disney world is! LOL. She has also started learning her phonics, so now she walks around walmart naming letters she recognizes and singing "the A says ah, the a says ah, every letter makes a sound the A says ah!"....cute for a while!lol, no I love it, I love watching her learn and I love that she craves learning...she thrives off of learning!..I pray it never changes. I on the other hand am still struggling w/ not being overwhelmed w/ what I know God has called me to do w/ their schooling. I am working to focus on the now, and not the distant future, one step at a time, and for now, it's preschool!...and even that isn't going to start until January! Whew, I do have time to have this baby first! :)
The only other thing going on around here is that we decided a while back to get new living room furniture....heehee...we wanted to sale what we had first and then go and buy...we had looked around at what we wanted and knew where we would be going to buy, then put our couch and chair on good old craigslist! The couch has now sold and so we are sitting on the floor and our one chair...the kids have those kid sofas, so they have been loving not having a couch...me, yea, hard to lay down for a minute w/ no couch to lay on! lol! So the sofa has been gone for 2 days now, and Alex started doubting what we had picked out the buy...so we started the searching process all over last night! LOL...now, remember, I am a planner, and this pushed me to the end of my robe! BUT we found what we wanted last night....we are very excited...AND we can have them here TOMORROW! So even if I have a baby today...lol, not likely....but if I do then I will still have furniture when I get home from the hospital! YEAH~ We brought new pillows last night too, but when we got them home, they don't match like we had hoped they would...so I'm off to look again in a little while, Gary is going to keep the kids and mom is going to go w/ me so I can look w/o the distraction of little voices, voicing their opinions (especially Ian who's opinion would be to leave!) He was such a trooper last night, Emma was at AWANA, and he went w/ us to shop for furniture! We pushed him WAY past his limit, but he hung in there very well...and all he asked for all night was to "play" at "chic away" chick-fil-a which he did, and had a lot of fun, we even met a couple w/ 3 kido from Elevation, and had a chance to talk for a few minutes!...fun for us and the kids!
Anyway, I have rambled on for a while now, and you are all caught up on our lives....I have a drs appointment this afternoon, but I am learning to expect it to be the same as before...so I don't foresee having a baby today in the future, so I'll let you know, I am hoping to get them to go ahead and schedule an induction for next week sometime, if I walk away w/ that I will be thrilled! My due date is 8 days away, so if they would schedule the induction for mid to late next week I be one happy girl...even if not, I am now doing well, w/ the end being in sight! Now 12 days from now...past the due date, will be another story, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there!
happy day to all!