Tuesday, February 12, 2008


where oh where have I gone....I know that is what most of you are thinking!....lol...WELL...this baby is kicking my butt! I have been so sick w/ this one...I now realize how spoiled I have been up til this point! With Ian I wasn't sick at all....I guess this is pay back! SO if I have any spare time I am spending it sleeping!....that doesn't leave much time for blogging...

I hate that too....b/c I have had stuff going on that I have wanted to sit down and blog about...things I am learning.

So as quick as I can....what's been going on in my world....we had an awesome day on Sunday...our church had it's 2 yr anniversary. We had baptism in the afternoon, then Alex and I got to spend some time together shopping and dinner...then we went back for a night of praise and worship....at which I got sick!(at least I like to sit in the back)...but not fun excusing myself from Alex and Kim to go loose my cookies!....lovely...and I was volunteering..and as soon as I came out of the bathroom I had "duties" waiting!lol...atleast I KNOW it was "morning sickness" and not a germ!....anyway, as much as Satan tried several attempts to steal my joy....it didn't work! I loved every minute of the day!

Monday night we had our FPU class....we are taking it again as support for our family that is taking it!....I so enjoy Dave and his concepts so much! I so love the encouragement I receive from him....and they have re-done the DVD's since we took it the first time and it's fun hearing new things!....so one thing he said this week was....happiness was like the bully in the school yard. It will always move the "line to be crossed" Then he used the analogy of kids as an example....I'll be happy when I have kids...I'll be happy when this baby sleeps through the night, I'll be happy when we don't have to do diapers anymore, I'll be happy when they go to school....I'll be happy when we have 2 kids....I'll be happy when they aren't toddlers anymore.....and so on...I think you get the idea! WOW...as a mother of preschoolers, I needed to be reminded that my happiness doesn't rely in "stuff"...not even in my kids! Now I have never been the mom to wish my kids lifes away....in fact I'm the mom who dreads the idea of sending my kids to school...and won't put them in preschool b/c I don't want to be away from them that long...go ahead and insert your judgment here!..but I do know that sometimes I think of how much "easier" it will be when my kids are older! But on Monday God quietly reminded me that I need to focus on the now....and on contentment through Him alone...not in stuff, not in friends, not in status, and not in the things to come....so that's that for Monday!...oh and I did not throw up on Monday!...thank you Jesus, even for small answered prayers!

Today!...I had BSF...have I told ya'll how much I LOVE BSF? LOL....oh I have..only once or twice right!? lol....I am so excited over the foundation that BSF is giving me...I love it...and I love learning about Jesus....He is more awesome to me now than ever before! I truly wish that every person I know could come to BSF.....if I could only convey half of what I am learning you would be signing up tomorrow....but I don't even know how to give it justice....their is so much to grasp....
In our lecture each week our teaching leader gives 3 main principles and if I could just take those alone to heart then I would be doing excellcent! This weeks 3 principles were 1. God has given enough signs to establish that Jesus is Messiah. 2.The truth of Jesus Christ comes from God. 3.Following Jesus Christ involves sacrifice now, glory later. Now w/o all the studying we did through the week from Matthew 16 and the questions we were asked in our study you will have a hard time understanding what those mean....but the 1st comes from the Pharisees and the Sadducees asking Jesus for a sign from heaven...which Jesus refused to give....the 2nd comes from Peters admission that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God...and the fact that all our understanding about Christ is given to us from God through the Holy Spirit, and that is why unbelievers can't understand our commitments and values. and the last one comes from the end of Matthew 16 where the verse challenges us to take up our cross and follow Him and the true meaning of that and how we try to make that idea fit what we want and not what Christ wants for us...that we have to be willing to die for Christ to truly follow Him....are you willing to do that? To literally give up everything?....hard and convicting! I love how full I feel when I leave BSF...I have enough to chew on for a long time...before I'm done chewing, it's time to go back and chew some more. I have to admit, there have been some situations in my life over the last few days that I have been struggling w/...but I now realize that chewing on those things and not the things that Christ would want me to chew on....well, that's just wrong. Especially when I'm not the problem or the answer to those other issues!...I am now going to choose to chew on what I learned today and how I can apply it best to my life...what is Jesus meaning for me to learn today!?
I hope to be back blogging a little more....but I'll just have to see!
love to all!
oh...and so far...no throw-up today!....yeah! THANK YOU JESUS!...and Susan, I have my head on a little better today! lol!


Shannon said...

Sorry about your morning sickness. Luckily your spirits are high, and hopefully it won't last long.

BE said...

I think it's that 3rd baby thing. I was much more sick w/ L than the other 2. I never threw up (I did w/ B though), but I always felt like I needed too. Hopefully it will be gone by the 2nd trimester, at least it did for me. Get plenty of rest, at least you don't feel sick if you are sleeping. :) Hard to do w/ 2 little ones to take care of, I know. -Brandy

4torock said...

Hang in there girl! I am so happy for you ( NOT the sick part, the preggers part!) and so remembering the 3rd-- tired, sick.... sick, tired lol..... It soon will pass (ok so I am still always tired even not preggo tee hee!!) And..... I DID try out Elevation (all by myself too... well with the kiddos but J was out of town!!) loved it! We went to Butler. Keep the prayers coming for God to lead us in the right direction :) love ya