Tuesday, February 19, 2008

tune in for Tuesday~

for some unknown reason I seem to find myself at the computer on Tuesday afternoons....I'm not sure why that is, I have a million other things I could be doing...but here I sit anyway!...I am tired, but I guess because I don't have time for a nap, this is as close to "down time" as I am going to get!

last night we had FPU and in our lesson Dave somehow got on the subject of crawldads...I thought my brother and I were going to hoot! Just the word brought back so many memories, but specially one....I was probably about 12 or so and Nick would of been about 15 and a friend of his Jeff and Nick and I went off through the wood on our farm...and before we were back home they guys decided that they were going to catch and cook (over a fire we made) and eat some crawldads!....no dare would get me to join in on that one! But I totally enjoyed watching them do it! LOL...so we went down to the creek, caught us some crawlers...I did help catch them... and then they cooked them and had their taste!...all I can say is throw up!! lol...

how often do you sit and think about your life as a kid? I mean really, I just realized that I have not done that very often...this past Sunday night at small group we were talking about "generations" and some of the differences...and whenever I am around a conversation about growing up I realize how differently I grew up than most people I am around....I spent my summers stringing green beans w/ friends and watching movies!...the guys had to snap and the girls string!...remember that Brandy!....all the movies we would rent to do beans too!...I spent alot of time w/ friends working on our turkey farm, they would come and help wash drinkers....only Brandy will know what that even means probably!...and the spiders! YUCK! not to mention when we moved turkeys...yes, move them, from one house to another, one truck (dump truck) at a time...lol....so funny! Shannon how did you enjoy your one week on our farm w/ Shaun while we went on vacation one year?....you were like the turkey sitter! lol! but all that to say, I don't think much about my growing up years, I don't know why, maybe b/c it's to hard to think about that life w/ daddy, it's to hard still to think of all I left behind when he died and I got married. Now don't get me wrong, I love the life I have, my husband and my kids, I wouldn't trade them for anything, it does strike me weird sometimes how separate my life now is from my life then....and that makes me sorta sad. It is sad to me that when I read Leigh's blog...I can't even remember the last time I saw her....or even more so her sister Shannon...I have never even met her twins who are now 4!...and to think we used to be in a band(sorta...what was it called?) together! lol...w/ Christian, Kelly, Shaun, Karen and Nick....was there anyone else when we first started?...lol...remember when they made us play at the NCHE...horrible! lol! Hard to remember stuff sometimes...do you ever feel that way? That you have this former life that you have forgotten about? That you are so different now that you feel like those people don't even know you anymore...or wouldn't know what to do w/ you now?...I'm not saying that they wouldn't like me, but I think they would say...wow, she's changed....and I think it would in a good way, not a bad...but there again, if they saw me last year, it might not of been such a good thing....maybe all this rambling is to say that I think I just realize that in the last year I have really grown up!...ALOT!....but then somethings never change, I will spend this summer picking beans and canning....that is one thing I still do every summer, and I love it...I am always looking for someone to help out w/ it...but I must admit it's slightly different now w/ kids then when we were teenagers! lol.... and I think I will be going back to the NCHE this year just to check it out...Emma has one more year before we start school, but I need to decide soon if I'm going to homeschool her or not....again, one of those things I know nothing about...public school and how it works...never been there, but I keep asking myself why would I not want to give Emma everything I had in school!...I did love being homeschooled, why would I not do it for her....am I still that afraid of being "different" that I would put her in school just to "fit in"....? NO not anymore, so why do I even question homeschooling or not? I'm not sure, but I do....

sorry I know that was a bunch of rambling...but that's my brain right now....slightly jumbled right now!....now you know for sure I am crazy...oh, last thing, any of you homeschool mom's want to go w/ me to the NCHE and make it a girls weekend?....

oh and to my Stanly county girls...and Leigh that still includes you....I LOVE reading your blogs and getting glimpses into your lives!...I love blogging just for that...tell your families I said hi and that I miss them! You guys remind we of my roots...something I am very proud of now!...thank you!


Susan said...

I have to say, this is a very sweet post. It has been a long time since I thought about my childhood~ sometimes it's nice to look back and see where we came from and how far we've come. Oh, and even though I'm not homeschooling - I'll go with you for a girls weekend...lol....

Rockin' it up said...

Ya probably wouldn't catch me anywhere near an NCHE conference EVER again--I hated those things. I always skipped out on the actually conference part if I had any say about it--jeez--remember when Joshua Harris was there--UGH! You're very brave for considering to homeschool, I just don't think I could do it. It takes so much sacrifice and dedication, I have NO clue how mom did it with FIVE! Anyway-I enjoy reading your blog too. It got me all teared up just reading it though :)

BE said...

I do think about my childhood and how different my life is now. I sometimes wish I could go back to those carefree days for just a little while- not forever, but just go back a relive a few things. Fun times.

I know I won't be homeschooling my kids anytime soon, but I hope you and Alex will be able to make the right decision for you family. It is tough. And though I didn't always enjoy the conference part of NCHE, I would probably still love the book fair part. Loved that.

Oh, and about change- just from reading your blog, I can tell you have changed- in a good way! I fear the opposite, that I have not changed enough, even though in some ways I know I have.
Hugs- Brandy

farmersdaughter4ever said...

it seems funny to comment on my own blog!...but I do want to clear something up! If I go to the NCHE I will ONLY be going to the book fair!...the actual conference was horrible! lol...but I even as a kid loved the book fair, and that is what I want to go to...so I can see what's out there and if I can do it or not!...just wanted that to be clear~ :) I am totally w/ Brandy and Leigh...the conference part was bad...Joshua Harris and all! yuck!

Shannon said...

Okay, I never got to attend any part of the conference or the book fair because I had to baby-sit the younger sibs.
Will NEVER forget "turkey sitting" for you guys, lol.
Home schooling is a big decision, and we decided that for right now it is better for our kids to do public school. If we had the money, it would be Carolina Christian School. I think you need to go visit the school she would be attending this April because that is when they have the sign-ups and there are people there to give you a tour of the place. Let them know you are just checking it out and trying to make a decision. My kids go to a huge school, and I was terrified of the whole enchilada. There are six to seven classes per grade, but they divide the entire grade up by reading levels and math levels, and the kids change classes from kindergarden on. They have brand new Macs in every class (two or three), a computer lab, the fifth grade does a news report every morning on a screen in each classroom, and they go on several field trips every nine weeks. Most of the teachers went to school with Landon. I don't homeschool because I KNEW that it was difficult, and my kids would be here 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
Agree with Leigh, you are very brave for considering it esp. since you will have two kids running/crawling) around while you are trying to do it. Just research both worlds. And remember, nothing is permanent. If you try one and it doesn't work out, try the other one.