Thursday, January 17, 2008

what's that?

that was the first thing Ian asked this morning after he got up....! Emma's reply was IT'S SNOW!....mommy can we go and make a snow angel? Poor thing, all through Christmas she kept asking when it was going to snow, to which I had to explain over and over that it didn't snow everywhere at Christmas time just some it has finally snowed here and it's raining and she won't even get to play in it!...not to mention that she and Ian both have runny noses!....yes, again....poor Ian...I know I'll be pulling out the mask's not even been two weeks since we stopped using it from the last cold! I have had one disappointed girl at my house today...she has been so cute about it, one time she told me that she wasn't mad that there wasn't more snow, just a little frustrated! wonder where she has heard that before! Then later she reference to the snow...."well, God knows best!"....thank you Elevation Ekidz for that one!!

Ian on the other hand, every once in a while will walk over to the window...look out and say "snow????"...he'll look as far as he can as if to wonder where it stops!...SO funny! We have had a great day at home, we have played lots, made bracelets, washed and folded clothes...something that is so fun to do w/ Ian!..he now likes to stand at the washing machine and watch for his teddy to spin around and around...then says "tul teddy tul!" (twirl) but hey atleast he doesn't stand there and cry the whole time like he use too! kids picked up the house of all their toys while I did dishes and didn't fuss about doing it! accomplishment in it's self!...the both went down for their naps GREAT...I think I want everyday to be snow day!'s so peaceful~I think when Emma get's up from her nap we'll settle in for a movie and some popcorn (she always up about an hr before Ian) then dinner and more play w/ daddy....probably a great night for hide and seek w/ the flashlights! is fun!...hope your days has been as much fun as mine!


Susan said...

Not so much here, but I am so glad you all had a great day! I'm still waiting for Emma to teach the girls how to pick up their

Anonymous said...

Sounds cute. My boys weren't as understanding about not going outside today. At one point L said, "What's the point of a snow day if there is NO SNOW!" I hear you loud and clear son... loud and clear.

4torock said...

I LOVE days like these!! Ans I love the flashlight game- cute!! :) Stay warm.... love ya!!

4torock said...

SO I can't spell or check over my spelling!..... AND is what I ment lol! sorry