Friday, September 11, 2009

update on Gary

this is the latest email from mom on Gary....I haven't had a chance to talk to her for now this is all I know...please Pray for him!

Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

Yesterday Gary was admitted to the 9200 unit (bone marrow transplant) at Duke Hospital for severe pain.
Gary continues to be in quite a bit of pain. The medications works for awhile. Finding the right combination is being a challenge. His pain can be controlled for awhile but then returns aggressively. He is very sensitive to pain meds and that has complicated finding the most effective medication but not causing him to be confused and "out of it".

Gary had a MRI late this afternoon. The evening doctor on call came by to inform us that the reason for Gary's severe pain is a fractured vertebra. (2nd Lumbar vertebra) An orthopedic specialist will be called in tomorrow for consultation. Right now Gary is confined to his bed and finds if he "just doesn't move" he doesn't hurt to bad...unless his lower back spasms. Bed rest, pain control is the current plan. We will hopefully have more information tomorrow after we discuss this with our AMBT medical team.

Please pray for Gary's pain, and don't forget he is still struggling with the polyoma virus. This virus is in the bladder which also creates its on problems. We pray tomorrow we will have some idea what the next step will be.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We are trusting God this too is simply a "bump" in the road.

Love and prayers all, Shirley

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