Wednesday, June 3, 2009

long time, I know!

Ok so as prompted by Bekah I need to do an update on Gary! Then I need to share a few other things too!

Gary is undergoing more chemo this week...out patient through the bone marrow clinic. They have scheduled his transplant for the 19-20th of this month. They were told today that it would be the 20th/ as you can see, the dates change depends on the donor. So at this point, he will receive chemo this week...then have a week off to recover, then more chemo the week of the transplant...then the transplant hopefully on the 20th. Then daily trips to the "transplant clinic" for the next 3 months. As long as he is doing well, he will stay out-patient. That means he will be w/ mom at the hotel. They changed rooms to a room that allowed him to rest in bed and mom to stay up and not disturb him! It also has a table for them to eat at, which the other room didn't have! This Hotel is AWESOME to them, the staff treat them as if it were their own parents! Mom came home last week for some of her own dr.s appointments..the big one to check on the cancer spots in her colon went great...she was released for 3 years! PRAISE GOD. Her eye dr appointment, not so well...she has been referred to a dr at least it's convenient! She had lens transplants a few years back and one of her eye's is they will work to figure it all out! She was able to be home for my brother's 30th birthday, which we threw him a surprise party. He also was also sworn in w/ Matthews Police Department on his she was here for that. I hate that Gary missed all of the fun, but I am so glad that mom was able to be here....I am thankfully for the times I can see God's hand in things as if to say, I really am here, and I really really do care, even about the small things!

That about covers all I can think of w/ mom and Gary...please remember them on the 20th of this month, they will covet your prayers!

The kids are doing great, GROWING! We went to the beach over Memorial day and had a blast! Eli LOVED the sand and the pool. We put him in his floaty raft and he floated like a lilly pad all over the pool! It was wonderful to get away from the everyday-ness of life for a few days! While I was gone all my books for Emma's school came when I got home it was like Christmas for me! :) I have finished all the purchases I need for school and couldn't be more excited or happy w/ my choices, I feel like all my reading and researching has paid off!...but I guess that still remains to be seen! lol! :) We will be deciding this week rather Emma will do dance or gymnastics this fall...we have an opportunity for her to "try" a class at a gym after that we'll be deciding! I am excited for her, and I know she is thrilled to get back to something after taking the year off this past year!

Let's see, what else, the garden is growing, I'm ready to start picking...of course I feel that way every year, I want to start picking now, b/c I know later is will be SO HOT! LOL! If only it worked that way, but I know I'll have to wait til it's won't be long!

oh, I'm looking for a swim teacher for this summer...but I need them to be able to provide the pool...if anyone knows someone, let me know! I don't want to go to the Y or the Aquatic Center...I know w/ all that's going on I won't be able to use them enough to warrant paying for I'm looking for someone local outside the Y. In Stanly county the parks and rec provide swimming lessons...but I don't think that's an option here in Union County and I sure can't drive to Albemarle every day for a week or! So just thought I would throw it out there....let me know if you have an idea for me!

Well, I'm going to cut this is going to skype me in a minute and I won't to be finished w/ this first!

OH...again! I wanted to let y'all know, that I am planning on taking a blogging break. I sorta already have as I'm sure you have noticed! If you need me, email me...I'm also taking a break from facebook you'll have to email me! I will continue to do update on Gary and mom, and so no one will news is good news! K! Love too all, and I will miss you! But for now, this is best for me, I won't delete my blog or facebook, but I won't be around near as much! Kate, I will be watching for baby Briggs to make his appearance! :) thanks for reading my thoughts....eventually I will be back!


Shannon said...

Google your county, there may be a small swim club around if the parks and rec don't have one. My kids take lessons in Concord, they let you register on-line. I know allot of people don't know that Mount has a swim club and they teach lessons too.

Shannon said...

P.S. you don't have to join the Y to take swimming lessons there. But it is pricey.

farmersdaughter4ever said...

yeah, I checked into the Y and being a "non-member" thinking we might do that for swimming and soccer....if I'm going to do that for 2 I might as well join!'s like almost $200 for one week of swimming lessons for them~ I don't think so! LOL! Thanks for the tip, I will try a google!

BE said...

thanks for the update. No help on swimming lessons, mine are going to Rock Creek and I think it is too long of a drive from my house, definitely too far for you. Hope you find something that works for you.