Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What God has asked me to do....

Ok so the kids aren't here....well, the baby is..but he doesn't count, b/c he doesn't cause any interruptions! :) Emma and Ian spent the night w/ Savannah last night b/c Alex and I (and Eli) had a trip planned to Raleigh today...but as y'all all know...it's SNOWING! So our trip has been rescheduled until next Monday...whew! So I find myself at home almost alone this morning and the first time I have allowed myself to sit and blog in FOREVER! I decided back around Christmas that I needed to spend less time on the computer....it's funny, I use to struggle w/ the amount of time I spent in front of the TV, then the Lord convicted me of that....so I just moved on to another device...the computer. Between blogging and facebook and emails it is easy to spent hours a day on here and that is NOT what God has called me to do w/ my time. (disclaimer....I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone else...this is what God has told ME for ME...but if you are feeling guilty, maybe you should ask God what He is telling you! :)...end of disclaimer!) So back to my story, I found that I was putting my kids off to finish a blog or read a blog. Or wasn't talking to them during lunch so I could look at pictures on facebook or even chat w/ someone else that was on....again, this is not what God has called me to do. I know that God wants me to have close friendships and I do, but He has called me to be a mommy, and He wants my attention on that right now. We are gearing up to homeschool this fall which I am really really excited (and scared) about. and I know that He is asking me to line up my priorities better....I need to be ready to make school my number 1 priority at least until school is like second nature for me. SO, all that to say, I am choosing to cut back on the time I spend on the computer, so don't look for blogs from me to often. I know this is going to be like tv, once I have weened myself for a while, then I will be able to bring it back in my life w/ some thought through self-control...funny how God is constantly growing you in every area of your life :)

So for an update on the fam...Christmas was totally fun, we had a wonderful holidays...Alex took a good while off, almost 2 full weeks...it was fun!

The new year has been a time of adjustment for us, we are learning and changing daily...especially Eli! He is almost 4 months, as sweet as ever and growing like a weed~ Emma excepted Christ as her Savior on the 14th of Jan...an exciting time around here...Ian is still Ian, one of the most loving boys I know...he amazes me at what you pick up on from listening...Alex is great, and we are so thankful for his job and the knowledge of him not loosing it in this time. We (Alex and I have been leading a small group in Financial Peace and it has been so rewarding for us, we have been wanting to be able to give to other people the knowledge we learned from the classes a while back....we have been given an awesome opportunity to serve others, and a great chance to make some wonderful friendships, I already know we will miss these people when we finish! We also have some things in the works at our church as far as serving goes that will start up soon, both of us are very excited about that...more to come as it unfolds!

Well I must go, the car is warming up for Eli and me to venture over to Nicks and go play in the snow!....love to all!...stay warm!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Glad you posted again. I need to cut back on computer time too. Hopefully the hubs getting and iPhone will help with me not having to check the market every five minutes from 10-2:15. (he can do it himself now) Because after I do I just click on over to FB and next thing I know thirty minutes have passed by. Good luck with the HSchooling. My mom told me you are going to the conference, that will help too.