Wednesday, December 23, 2009


He is happy and healthy! I am blessed beyond measure! My prayer is that your Christmas present is as special as mine! :) Thank you Jesus for coming to save us sinners from our fallen state...and thank you for tiny life just like our baby Isaac, and for technology that allows us to peek in and see that sweet life kicking around, and that awesome little heart beating away!



BE said...

Yay! Another boy! Emma will surely be the princess of the house now! Are the kids happy that it's another boy or were they a little disappointed? I know B was upset that L was a boy, but now if you ask her. She says that girls can mess your stuff up just as much as boys can, LOL!


Jennifer A said...

that's so exciting! congrats!

Jenny said...

Oh so exciting!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you and your sweet family!!!!!!!!!!
What an ADORABLE Christmas card!!!

Shannon said...

I see you are sticking with Mom's theme of E, I, E, is O. Congrats!!!!

farmersdaughter4ever said...

ummm, NO Shannon, maybe a pet one day will be given an "O" name...that's as close as we will ever get to completing farmer in the dale for us! HA