thanks to Shannon, I was took me a while to do it, but join in, it's fun!
1. Egg nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot Chocolate, add a little peppermint to make it yummy!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Neither....we don't do Santa w/ our kids(no comments on that please!'s our choice!)
3. Colored lights or white?
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, but I should, hmmm, I might have to look for some this year!
5. When do you put your decorations up?
The day after thanksgiving
6. Favorite holiday dish?
Asparagus casserole, my aunt makes.
7. Favorite childhood memory?
the treasure hunt my dad sent me on to find my presents, one a dollhouse he made me and then my bunny he bought me that year.
8. When/how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I guess I always knew, my parents didn't do santa w/ us when we were kids...
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
When we were kids, only at my grandparents...
Now our kids actually open all their presents on Christmas Eve morning, b/c we have to be at my moms at 8:30 on Christmas morning, it's more fun for them on Christmas Eve b/c they can stay home all day and play w/ their toys, until we leave that night for where ever we are going!
10. How do you decorate the tree?
ummm...we pull out he box and load the tree...the kids each have a new ornament each year...oops I just realized I didn't get them one this year! mommy brain? maybe we'll break that tradition?
11. Snow. Love it or dread it?
I can do without...BUT I love how excited the kids get over it...Ian doesn't even know what it is, but b/c Emma is wanting it SO bad, he wants it too! I can do w/ a day or 2...just don't ask me to go out in it unless I am going skiing, then bring it on!...but NO snowballs please!
12. Can you ice skate?
YES, love it, but haven't been since Alex was the youth pastor at our other church.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
YES, it was the dollhouse my dad made for me, it in my attic now, for Emma one day!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you?
Being w/ my family, and teaching my kids the real meaning of Christmas...JESUS
15. Favorite holiday dessert?
All of them...but for the last few years I have made peppermint it!
16. Favorite Christmas Tradition?
Being at my Grandparents w/ my cousins on Christmas Eve...the only time we would be together and not beg to spend the night w/ each other!...this year we are doing that on the 26th though! :( And my other grandmother when she was alive always put candy canes on her tree as part of the trees decorations and we would come and take one...but you had to make sure she didn't know where you got it from or she would "pretend" to be mad at you for "messing up her tree" and as you are finding out...I loved some candy canes!
17. What tops your tree?
a star...we had an angel, until we read this book to Emma about the legend of the Christmas tree....they had a star, and Emma was upset that we had an angel, so we got a star...I like the star better than the angel we it worked out!
18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?
i love giving, but I am like Brandy, it can get stressful and that can take the fun away from it....Alex and I can't keep up w/ the "Jones'" so I have to swallow my pride and sometimes give things that aren't as pricey as what my kids might be's hard, even when you tell other not to spend so much, they do, and then you feel obligated to do the same for their kids!....see, stress...and that makes it hard!
19. Favorite Christmas song?
to this day I still smile every time I hear Micheal W. Smith's song "Gloria" and all the other songs we did w/ my sign language group!...good times :)
20. Candy canes. Yum or yuck?
as I have referred to peppermint before....YUMMY!
21. What do you want for Christmas?
For my brother to find a job, my husband to pass his test, and for Gary to be out from under this medical stuff!?? I have no Alex and I just got the Wii FIT and called it Christmas!
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party?
Alex's work party...and I don't need a new outfit...although I have NOTHING that fits right....I choose to be different! heehee, plus it's raining today and I don't want to drag the kids out like I planned to find something to wear!
23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear P.J.'s?
we are at one of our I can't wear my PJ's although I wish I cool would that be?
24. Do you own a Santa hat?
Me, no, kids...there's a baby one around here somewhere!
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
as in Christmas day? Well, we go to my mom's Christmas morning for breakfast, w/ mom and Gary, Nick, Sam, Savannah, Becca and sometimes Melanie and her girls(but they can't come this year) and of course all of us...then we go to Alex's dad's that night w/ his dad and Della, his brother, Jonathan and Kelly their kids Jackson and Lydia, his step-sister Jera and her kids Nevaeh, and Gage, and his grandparents for dinner...then back home LATE! We see his other grandparents and mom on Christmas Eve and my dad's parents and family one the day after Christmas(for the first time this year...we for a long time had to go 2 places on Christmas's nice to only have one place to go!)
Thanks Shannon for tagging me, it was fun, especially thinking about all the memories from growing up! I love Christmas SO much!
I am picking Susan, Jenn, Chelsea, Dawn, Kate, Crystal and Jenny to tag!...have fun!