So how has it been going?....Good, hard, fun, difficult, and everything in between!
Eli is a good baby, he seems to be struggling w/ reflux, like Ian, he is very gassy, I am hoping this doesn't mean he's going to be allergic to the world like Ian w/ his 60 something allergies! He has his one month appointment this week so I'll talk to the dr about it then! I am hoping that he isn't going to stay gassy like Ian did....w/ Ian once I switched to formula he was so much happier, and I always wondered why, well when we had him allergy tested and found out that he is allergic to most food, including green bean and cantaloupe! SO everything I ate bothered him...lovely, I am hoping that isn't the case w/ Eli, but so far, he seems to be following that same pattern! We'll see!
He is a little guy, alot like Emma, he was 7 12 when he was born, 7,4 when we left the hospital, still 7, 4 a week later, and then 7, 11 at 2 weeks old, I am interested to see what he is going to weigh at one month. Em and I both were back to their birth weight at one week, Ian was over by like 4 this is different for me to have one stay little so long! He has little hands and feet like Em, so I think he is going to be little like she is! He is such a sweet baby, doesn't even cry when he's in pain w/ the gas, you can see it on his face, and know he's hurting, but usually there is no tears! He does like to grunt and squeak we call him squeaker a lot!
OK so this is now my third time working on this post, apparently I am not going to do well w/ getting anything posted for a while...honestly, w/ the way we are sleeping...or not sleeping around here, most days I don't even think about the computer or blogging or anything like that, all my "down time" spend sleeping! :) BUT last night I got good sleep, well, for having an infant! SO I am on top of the world today! and wanted to finish this and get the pics w/o anymore typing, here are the pictures!
Now if I can just get them to Costco to be printed before he turns 1 I'll be doing really well! LOL! I'll be back when I can, but just know, it might be a while! Now I am off to do some cleaning, while I have energy from all my sleep!
love to all!